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The Sand Boats David P. and Harfat

Broughty Ferry, Angus.—At 3.5 in the morning of the 15th of January, 1952, a resident of Newport telephoned that a sand boat had been driven ashore off Newport, and at 3.30 the life- boat Mono, was launched. A westerly gale was blowing, with a very rough sea. The life-boat found the sand boat David P., of Leith, with a crew of four, between Newport and Tayport High Light, anchored very close in- shore. She was waterlogged and the seas were breaking right over her.

Her crew beached her and the life-boat rescued them. She then received a wireless message that another boat had rescued two men from the sand boat Harfat, but that a third man was missing. She landed the crew of the David P. at Dundee and then searched for the missing man until eight o'clock the next morning. She found nothing and returned to Dundee at 8.15. There she remained for some hours owing to the bad weather, and arrived back at her station at 2.45 that afternoon.

The owner of the David P. made a gift to the Institution.—Rewards, £12 13*. 6d..