The Bravest Deeds of 1951
THE Maud Smith reward, in memory of John, Seventh Earl of Hardwicke, for the bravest act of life-saving of the year by a life-boatman was awarded to Alfred R. Wilson, of Margate, for going on board the yacht Girlanda in the darkness of the early hours of the 2nd of September, in a heavy sea, to secure a tow rope and cut away her anchors, so that the life-boat was able to tow her and the two men on board into harbour.
He had already won the Institu- tion's bronze medal for this gallant act.
The reward given by Mrs. Porter, of Felixstowe, for the bravest deed of the year by a life-boatman was award- ed to Edward A. Slaughter, the motor mechanic at Flamborough, for swimming from the life-boat in a heavy breaking swell, among rocks, on the afternoon of the 15th of May, to the help of a boy who had fallen from the top of the cliffs. He had already won the Institution's bronze medal for this gallant act..