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Pilot Me II, Success, Progress, Provider A and Lead Us.

Whitby, Yorkshire.—At 9.15 in the morning of the 10th of December, 1951, the coastguard reported that the local Pilot Me II was approaching the harbour. The sea was rough and a strong northerly wind was blowing. At 9.25 the No.

1 life-boat Mary Ann Hepworth was launched, but the Pilot Me II did not attempt to cross the harbour bar and put to sea again. She approached again at 12.20 that afternoon, and the life-boat escorted her in. She then put out again, met the Success and Progress, escorted them in, and then saw the Provider A off the Whitby Rock Buoy. She escorted her in and, putting out for the fifth time, escorted in the Lead, Us. She reached her station again at 3.40. — Rewards, £18 16s. 6d..