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Olden Times

Eyemouth, Berwickshire. — At 4.15 in the afternoon of the 27th of Decem- ber, 1951, the fishing vessel Dougals, which was in the harbour, reported by wireless that she had picked up a message from the steam trawler Olden Times, of North Shields, that she had sprung a leak twelve miles east by north of Eyemouth. The life-boat Clara and Emily Baruiell was launched on service for the first time at 4.28.

A southerly gale was blowing, with a very heavy sea. The life-boat found the trawler with her pumps just about keeping pace with the leak, and escorted her to Redburgh Bay, reach- ing her station again at 9.25 that night.—Rewards, £17 10s. 6d..