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A Scottish Life-Boat Visits Nottingham

THE new Aberdeen life-boat Hilton Briggs, of the 52-feet Barnett (Strom- ness) type, which left the building yard at Cowes on the 17th of August of last year, broke her journey by sea to her station, to travel up the River Trent from Hull and visit Nottingham.

She was manned by Aberdeen life- boatmen with the northern district inspector in charge. She arrived on the 23rd of August and was welcomed at Trent Bridge by the Sheriff, the Lord Mayor and a crowd of 3,000 people. She stayed for three days, and on the afternoon of the last day she gave a demonstration of life saving by breeches buoy. The life-boat was in mid-stream between Trent Bridge and the Suspension Bridge, and the line-throwing pistol was fired at the Suspension Bridge, which represented the wrecked ship. The City Fire Brigade threw up a 30-feet curtain of water to represent a rain storm; Nottingham boys played the part of the rescued; and the district inspector gave his orders, and described the rescue, through the life-boat's loud- hailer. The Sheriff entertained the crew and showed them over the Council House.

The life-boat left Nottingham on the 26th; resumed her journey by sea from the Humber on the 28th; and arrived at Aberdeen two days later..