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A Life-Boat Christmas

ON the evening of Sunday the 23rd of December, last, a choir of over twenty voices, and a harmonium, gathered on the deck and in the cockpit of the Eastbourne life-boat Beryl Tollemache in her boat-house, and over the life- boat's radio telephone sang carols for half an hour to the men on the Royal Sovereign Lightship, seven miles out at sea.

At the end of the concert the director of the choir asked the men of the light- ship "to give them a carol." They replied that they were "a little shy," but they sent their thanks.

The Weymouth life-boat took Christmas gifts to the Shambles Light- ship, Selsey to the Owers Lightvessel, and Clacton to the Mid Barrow and Barrow Lightships in the Thames.

The Clacton life-boat crew were them- selves presented with hampers by the chairman of the council from the people of Clacton, and were entertained to dinner. B The Mallaig life-boat carried the Christmas mail, and stores, to the islands of Eigg, Rhum and Canna, in a rough sea, as the regular steamer had been prevented by the weather from making her weekly call.

The Forest Row branch of the Institution arranged a carol party which collected £52 3s. Id. in the course of a week's singing. The whole sum went to the funds of the branch, as the expenses, £5 10*., were paid by a worker for the branch, an officer of the Guards home on leave from Malaya..