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New Brighton, Cheshire. — At 7.40 in the morning of the 22nd of October, 1951, the Formby coastguard tele- phoned that a motor yacht was in a dangerous place inside the revetment on the south side of the Queen's Channel near the Formby Boat Beacon. At 8.15 a second message said that she had not moved, and at 8.40 the life-boat K.T.J.S., on tem- porary duty at the station, left her moorings. The sea was rough, with a moderate north-north-east gale blow- ing. The life-boat found the motor launch Vanadia, of Ayr, off the Bar Lightvessel, with a crew of four. She was steering badly so the life-boat escorted her up the river channel to Egg Buoy, and reached her station again at 2.0 that afternoon.—-Rewards, £14 10s..