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The Travelling Festival

BESIDES the exhibition on the South Bank of the Thames there were two travelling exhibitions. One by sea and the other by land. The exhibition by sea was mounted in the aircraft carrier H.M.S. Campania, which sailed from Southampton early in May, visited Dundee, Newcastle, Hull, Ply- mouth, Bristol, Cardiff, Belfast, Bir- kenhead, spending from ten days to four weeks at each port, and ended its journey at Glasgow in September.

The Life-boat Service was repre- sented in this exhibition, on the Campania's flight-deck, by a life-boat of the light Liverpool type, just completed for Minehead, Somerset, a boat 35-feet 6-inches, by 10-feet 8-inches, weighing 8| tons, and driven by two 18 h.p. petrol engines.

While the Campania was at Tyne- mouth an industrial exhibition was held in the town at which life-boat models and equipment were shown and the life-boat films "Boats that Save Life "and "Shipshape"..