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The S.S.Pandora and the S.S. Gripfast (1)

Tessmouth, Whitby, and Runswick, Yorkshire. — In the morning of the 22nd of October, 1951, the S.S.Pandora, of Beaumaris, foundered in a gale and a very heavy sea one and a half miles off Runswick, with the loss of her crew of six. The Runswick and Whitby life-boats were unable to get out, and the Teesmouth life-boat arrived to find the steamer sunk and her crew drowned. The s.s. Gripfaxt, of New- castle, attempted to help the Pandora, but herself got into difficulties. A tug went out to her, but in the after- noon she signalled for help. The weather had then moderated. The Whitby No. 1 life-boat Mary Ann Hepvcorth and the Runswick life-boat Robert Pattern—The Always Ready went out, and the Whit by life-boat stood by until tugs had towed her into deep water.—Rewards.—Teesmouth, £29 18s.; Whitby, £17 18s.; Runswick, £32 11s. Gd.

A full account of this service, of the inquiry which was held after it, and the events which followed the inquiry, will appear in a later issue of The Life-boat..