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The S.S. Scillonian and the Launch Kittern

St. Mary's, Isles of Scilly.—On the 10th of September, 1951, the S.S.

Scillonian was bound from Penzancefor St. Mary's with eighty-three people.

The sea was smooth, but there was a very thick fog and the life-boat's motor mechanic kept in contact with her by wireless. About 1.0 in the afternoon she informed him that she was near St. Agnes, having missed the entrance to St. Mary's Sound, and at 2.0 she reported she had gone aground on Wingletang Ledge. At 2.16 the life-boat Cunard was launched, with the honorary secretary, Mr. Trevellick Moyle, on board. She found the launch Kittern, belonging to the owner of the steamer, off Dropnose Point.

The Kittern had taken on board seventy passengers from the steamer and asked the life-boat to take over half of them. The Cunard took thirty and, with the Kittern, made for St.

Mary's, but on the way the Kittern bumped on some rocks and lost her rudder. The life-boat towed her clear and took her to the pier. There the boats landed the seventy passengers and the life-boat made for the Soil- Ionian again. She found her lying with her bows between two rocks, and stood by her until 11.10 that night.

She then took a rope from her stern and started towing, and the Scillonian working her engines at the same time refloated. Guided by the life-boat's searchlight, she reached St. Mary's and berthed at the pier at one o'clock next morning. The owners thanked the Institution and made gifts to the life-boatmen.—Rewards, £26 Is..