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The Motor Fishing Vessels Elizabeth Taylor and Incentive

Whitby, Yorkshire. — About 8.45 on the night of the 28th of September, 1951, news was picked up by wireless that two fishing boats had been in collision eight miles off Whitby to the east. They needed help; and at nine o'clock the No. 1 life-boat Mary Ann Hepu-orth was launched in a calm sea with a light southerly breeze blowing.

When she got to the spot she found that the motor fishing vessel Elizabeth Taylor, of Hull, had foundered after being in collision with the motor fishing vessel Incentive, of Fraserburgh, and that the Incentive had rescued her crew. The life-boatmen gave one of them first aid, and all of them rum, and transferred them to another ship, the Dainty Lady, which took them to Scarborough. A life - boatman was then put aboard the Incentive, and the life-boat escorted her to Whitby, arriving at 12.34 next morning.— Rewards, £10 8s..