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Silver Night (1)

Douglas, and Port St. Mary, Isle of Man.—At eight o'clock in the morn- ing of the 5th of September, 1951, the Douglas police reported to the Douglas life-boat station that the local fishing coble Silver Night was on the rocks at Port Grenaugh. One man had got ashore, but another man was still on board. There was a heavy swell and dense fog. At 8.20 the Douglas life- boat Millie Walton was launched. At 8.1 the Castletown coastguard had reported the stranding to the Port St.

Mary station and the life-boat K.T.J.S., on temporary duty at the station, was launched at 8.30. The Douglas life-boat put a life-boatman on board the coble to help the one man there, and escorted her to Douglas, arriving back at her station at ten in the morning. The Port St. Mary life- boat was recalled and reached her station at 9.5.—Rewards, Douglas, £8; Port St. Mary, £5 175. 6d..