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Naming Ceremonies

TEN new motor life-boats were named during 1951. Seven were on the Eng- lish coast, at New Brighton (Liverpool), Margate, Scarborough, Lytham, Culler- coats, Newbiggin and Redcar; two on the Scottish coast, at Arbroath and Anstruther; and one on the Welsh coast, at Holyhead. The naming ceremonies at New Brighton and Margate were reported in the 1951 summer number of The Life-boat.

SCARBOROUGH The new boat was built out of legacies from Mr. R. Munday of Asjhton-under Lyne, Mrs. A. E. Wildish of South Norwood, Mr. L. A. Crichton of London and Mrs. F. E. Wood of Doncaster. She is a 35-feet 6-inches self-righting boat and is the twelfth life-boat to be stationed at Scar- borough. The naming ceremony took place on the 15th June. The Mayor of Scarborough presided, and Com- mander H. L. Wheeler, R-N., the district inspector of life-boats, described the boat. Mr. D. S. Edwards, on behalf of the donors, presented her to the Institution and Commodore the Earl Howe, C.B.E., V.R.D., P.C., R.N.V.R., deputy chairman of the Institution, received her and handed her over to Scarborough, on whose behalf she was received by Lieutenant L. N. Sanderson, R.N.V.R., chairman and honorary secretary of the branch.

The Vicar of Scarborough, the Rev.

F. E. Ford, M.A., dedicated the life- boat, assisted by the Rev. W. E.

Cowling of St. Thomas' Church and the Rev. R. C. Ferriday of the Free Church Council. The singing was lead by the Falsgrave Modern County School Choir.

The Marchioness of Carisbrooke, G.B.E., named the life-boat E.C.J.R.

She also presented the Institution's vellum, recording 150 years service of Scarborough's life-boats, to Mrs. F. K.

Dockray, honorary secretary of the Scarborough Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

A vote of thanks was proposed by Captain H. Ramsbotham, R.N. (retd.), and seconded by Captain W. L. Mason, members of the committee of the branch.

The life-boat was then launched.

HOLYHEAD The new boat is a gift to the Insti- tution from the Civil Service Life-boat Fund, which has also endowed it, and will maintain it. She is a 52-feet Barnett (Stromness) cabin boat, and is the twelfth life-boat to be stationed at Holyhead. The naming ceremony took place on the 16th June. Lieut.- Colonel the Hon. Oliver Stanley, D.S.O., D.L., J.P., chairman of the branch, presided, and Commander E.

W. Middleton, V.R.D., R.N.V.R., the district inspector of life-boats, des- cribed the boat. The Right Hon. Sir Richard V. N. Hopkins, G.C.B., chair- man of the Civil Service Life-boat Fund, presented her to the Institution, and Commander H. F. P. Grenfell, D.S.C., R.N., a member of the Com- mittee of .Management, accepted her and handed her over to Holyhead, on whose behalf she was received by Lord Stanley of Alderley, president of the branch.

The Bishop of Bangor (The Right Rev. J. C. Jones, D.D.) assisted by the Rev. D. L. Morris, B.A., Vicar of Holy- head and the Rev. R. Gwilym Hughes, M.A., B.D., dedicated the life-boat, and the singing was led by the St.

Cybi, St. Seiriol and St. Elbod Church choirs. Lady Hopkins then named the life-boat St. Cybi (Civil Service No. 9).

A vote of thanks was proposed by Councillor Llewellyn Lewis, chairman of the Holyhead Urban District Coun- cil and seconded by Lady Kathleen Stanley, president of the Holyhead Ladies' Life-beat Guild.

LYTHAM The boat was built out of a legacy from the late Miss K. I. Porritt. She is a 46-feet 9-inches Watson cabin boat and is the eighth to be stationed at Lytham. The naming ceremony took place on the 23rd of June. The Mayor of Lytham St. Annes, president of the branch, presided, and Commander E.

W. Middleton, V.R.D., R.N.V.R., the district inspector of life-boats, described the boat. Miss Kathleen Porritt, a relative of the donor, presented the boat to the Institution, and Mr. Ainet Robinson, a member of the Committee of Management, received her and handed her over to Lytham, on whose behalf she was accepted by Sir Knowles Edge, Bt.

The Bishop of Stockport (the Right Rev. D. H. Saunders-Davies, M.A.), assisted by Canon A. L. J. Shields, the Rev. A. R. Allen, M.A., and the Rev.

Rolla Spencer, president of the Free Church Council, dedicated the life-boat and the singing was led by the St.

John's Church choir. The Countess of Derby then named the life-boat Sarah Toivnsend Porritt.

A vote of thanks was proposed by the Mayoress of Lytham St. Annes and seconded by Mrs. Peter Jackson, J.P.

ARBROATH The boat is a gift to the Institution from the trustees of the late Mr.

Robert Lindsay, of Mains of Kinble- thmont, by Arbroath and Carnoustie.

She is a 35-feet 6-inches Liverpool boat and is the seventh to be stationed at Arbroath. The naming ceremony took place on the 23rd of June. Ex- .Provost John Lamb, J.P., presided and Lieut.-Commander S. C. Dickinson R.N.V.R., district inspector of life- boats, described the boat. The Pro- vost of Arbroath, Mr. John Webster, welcomed the guests, and the Duke of Montrose, K.T., C.V.O., V.R.D., R.N.V.R., chairman of the Scottish Life-boat Council and treasurer of the Institution, presented the life-boat to the Institution on behalf of the donors, and handed her over to Arbroath, on whose behalf she was accepted by Ex-Provost John Lamb, J.P.

The Rev. William E. Gladstone- Millar, M.C., B.D., minister of St.

Margaret's Parish Church, dedicated the life-boat and the singing was led by the Arbroath Fisherwomen's Choir.

The Dowager Countess of Dalhousie then named the life-boat Robert Lindsay. A vote of thanks was pro- posed by Mr. Harry Corsar and seconded by Mr. George Frances, members of the committee of the branch. A guard of honour was formed by. the Arbroath Sea Cadet Corps, and music was played by the Arbroath Instrumental Band.

CULLERCOATS The boat was built out of a legacy from the late Miss M. Bolton of Boo tie and a gift from the Lord Lieutenant of Northumberland's War Distress Relief Fund. She is a 35-feet 6-inches self- righting boat and is the eighth to be stationed at Cullercoats. The naming ceremony took place on the 28th of June. The Duke of Northumberland presided and Commander H. L.

Wheeler, R.N., the district inspector of life-boats, described the boat. Mr.

A. G. Everett, J.P., a member of the Committee of Management of the Insti- tution, thanked the donors and handed the life-boat over to Cullercoats, on whose behalf she was accepted by Mr.

B. H. Brown, chairman of the branch.

The Rev. J. M. Nicholson, M.A., vicar of St. George's, Cullercoats, dedicated the life-boat and the singing was led by the choir of the Cnllercoats Junior School. The Viscountess Allendale then named the life-boat Isaac and Mary Bolton. A vote of thanks was proposed by the Mayoress of Tyne- mouth and the life-boat was launched.

NEWBIGGIN The boat was built out of the legacy from the late Mr. C. C. Ashley, one of the most generous benefactors of the Institution. The new Newbiggin life- boat is the tenth to come from him.

She is a 35-feet 6-inches Liverpool boat and is the eighth to be stationed at Newbiggin. The naming ceremony took place on the 30th of June.

Major the Viscount Ridley, C.B.E., J.P., D.L., presided, and Commander S. C. Dickinson, R.N.V.R., inspector of life-boats, described the boat. The Lord Saltoun, M.C., a member of the Committee of Management, presented her to the Institution on behalf of the donor and handed her over to New- biggen, on whose behalf she was received by Mr. J. F. Gibson, honorary secretary of the Newbiggin branch.

The Bishop of Newcastle (the Right Rev. Noel Baring Hudson, D.S.O., M.C., D.D.), assisted by Canon W. Maddison, M. A., and the Rev. B. J. Wiltshire, B. A., dedicated the life-boat and the singing was lead by the choir of St. Bartho- lomew's, Newbiggin, accompanied by the Newbiggin Salvation Army Band.

Helen, Duchess of Northumberland then named the life-boat Richard Ashley, and the life-boat was launched.

During the ceremony a vellum recording that the Newbiggin station has completed a hundred years of service was presented. Mr. S. Brown chairman of the branch, accepted the vellum and Mr. B. Jarrett, honorary treasurer, proposed a vote of thanks to the Duchess. Before and after the ceremony music was played by the Newbiggin Colliery Band.

ANSTRUTHER The new boat was built out of a legacy from the late Mr. James Jackson of Falkland. She is a 35-feet 6-inches Liverpool boat and is the fifth to be stationed at Anstruther. The naming ceremony took place on the 18th of July. Colonel the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, K.T., C.M.G., T.D., LL.D., Lord Lieutenant of the County of Fife, presided, and Commander S. C. Dickin- son, R.N.V.R., district inspector of life-boats, described the boat. Cap- tain the Hon. Sir Archibald Cochrane, G.C.M.G., D.S.O., R.N., a vice-chair- man of the Scottish Life-boat Council and a member of the committee of management, thanked the donor on behalf of the Institution and handed the boat over to Anstruther, on whose behalf she was received by Provost W.

W. Carstairs, O.B.E., J.P., chairman of the branch.

The Rev. J. A. Paterson, B.D., Senior Minister of the United Burgh, dedicated the life-boat. Miss Myrtle Lumsden, a sister of the late Mrs.

Jackson, then named her James and Ruby Jackson. Votes of thanks were proposed by Lady Cunninghame Graham, presidentof the Rosy th Ladies' Life-boat Guild, and Mr. J. Henderson Stewart, M.P. for East Fife. The Anstruther Company of Girl Guides formed a guard of honour, and music was played by the Kirkcaldy- Sinclairtown Salvation Army Young People's Band..