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Merrimac, of New York

Barrow, Lancashire. — At three o'clock in the afternoon of the 15th of November, 1951, the agents of the tanker Merrimac, of New York, re- ported that she had wirelessed that she had a sick man on board in need of a doctor. She would be off Barrow about nine o'clock that night. At 7.30 the life-boat Herbert Leigh em- barked a doctor and was launched on service for the first time. The honor- ary secretary, Mr. T. Downing, was on board. The sea was moderate, with a moderate south - south - west breeze blowing. The life-boat met the Merrimac three miles west of Lightning Knoll Buoy, and put the doctor on board. She then embarked the sick man and landed him in the harbour, where an ambulance was waiting, at 11.10.—Rewards, £12 10s..