Clacton - on - Sea, Essex.—At 11.6 in the morning of the 25th of Septem- ber, 1951, the coastguard telephoned that a yacht was reported ashore on the Barrow Sands, flying a distress signal, and at 11.30 the life-boat Edward Z. Dresden was launched with the honorary secretary, Mr. E. C.
Shergold, on board. There was a moderate swell with a moderate south- westerly breeze blowing. The life- boat found the yacht Ayesha, of Brightlingsea, between No. 9 and No.
11 Barrow Buoys. She had anchored on the sands and when she refloated on the rising tide her anchor chain had parted. Then a heavy sea drove her aground again. With difficulty the life-boat passed a rope to her, but the rope parted. After two more attempts she made a rope fast to her and towed her to Brightlingsea. The life-boat stayed there for the night and returned to her station next morning, arriving at 9.0. The owner thanked the life- boatmen.—Rewards, £30 18s. 6d..