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The Amphibious Motor Jeep Half Safe

Walmer, Kent.—About 6.55 on the evening of the 24th of August, 1951, the Deal coastguard telephoned that he could see what seemed to be a boat between four and five miles east-south- east of the coastguard station, drifting north to the Goodwin Sands. At 7.0 the life-boat Charles Dibdin, Civil Service No. 2 was launched in a rough sea, with a strong south-westerly breeze blowing. She found the amphi- bious motor jeep Half Safe to the south of the sands, with a crew of three.

She was on a world tour. Her engine had broken down, but the owner restarted it and asked to be escorted clear of the sands. The life-boat accompanied the Half Safe to the shore and beached her at her station at 9.15 that night.—Rewards, £19 9*. 6d..