Porthdinllaen, Caernarvonshire.
—At 12.34 on the afternoon of the 16th of July, 1951, the Holyhead coastguard said that a capsized yacht had been sighted about seven miles west-north- west off Porthdinllaen Point. At one o'clock the life-boat Charles Henry Ashley was launched in a calm sea and a light west - north - westerly wind.
However on reaching the reported position she could see nothing, so she searched a wide area with the help of submarines, aeroplanes and a motor boat. About 3.25 an aeroplane drop- ped a smoke bomb three miles north- by-east from Bardsey Island light- house, and then guided the life-boat there, where she found the sailing dinghy Tarka, of Ballymoney, Co.
Wexford. The life-boat towed her to Porthdinllaen, arriving at six o'clock.
Later the police received a telegram saying that the yacht had capsized off the Wexford Coast without loss of life. A gift was received in appre- ciation of the services of the life-boat.
—Rewards, £12 6s..