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Shamrock Cruiser II

Ramsgate., Kent.—At 5.15 on the evening of the 15th of June, 1951, the coastguard telephoned that a motor cruiser, flying a distress signal, seemed to be drifting. At 5.22 the life-boat Mary Scott, on temporary duty at the station, left her moorings in charge of the second coxswain. The sea was slight, with a light south-westerly breeze blowing. She found the motor cruiser Shamrock Cruiser II, of London, with a crew of three, two miles south- east of Quern Buoy, broken down and at anchor. A motor boat had put a rope on board, but found she was not powerful enough to tow her. The owner, therefore asked the life-boat, to pass a rope on board. The Mary Scott then helped to tow her to harbour, reaching it at 6.15.—Property Salvage Case.—Rewards, 12s. 6d..