Advanced search

None (1)

New Brighton, Cheshire.—At 2.55 in the afternoon, on the 27th of July, 1951, the Wallasey Police telephoned a report that five people had been cut off by the tide on the North Bank.

Two beach patrolmen were swimming out and the New Brighton Corporation rescue boat had put out but broke down. At 3.7 the life-boat Norman B.

Corlett left her moorings with a punt in tow, and made for the North Bank.

She came up with the rescue boat, and, leaving her at anchor, took aboard her crew of three, and one of the swimmers. While she was searching she received a radio message that more people were cut off near the Rock Lighthouse; but when she arrived there she found that they had got ashore. She then took up her previous search but had no luck and returned with the rescue boat in tow, arriving at 5.50.—Rewards, £5 10*..