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Lilian May

Minehead, Somerset.—At 10.35 on the night of the Slst of August, 1951, the Watchet Coastguard Live-saving Company reported that dim flares could be seen off Watchet. Five people were known to have left Barry for Watchet in the motor boat Lilian May and not returned. At 11.0 the life-boat Kate Greatorex was launched in a slight sea, with a light south-westerly breeze blowing. The coxswain saw a burn- ing rag, and then heard whistles being blown; so he altered course in the direction of the sound and found the Lilian May between three and four miles north-west of Watchet Harbour.

Seas had swamped her engine. The life-boat towed her to Minehead and arrived back at her station at 1.20 the next morning.—Rewards, £17 19*. 3d..