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French Fishing Vessels

Ramsgate, Kent.—At 5.19 on the evening of the 18th June, 1951, the coxswain reported that a French fish- ing vessel had gone on the Brake Sands. At 5.24 the life-boat Mary Scott, on temporary duty at the station, left her moorings. The sea was moder- ate, with a moderate south-south-west breeze blowing. The vessel had re- floated meanwhile, so the life-boat was recalled. As 'she altered course to return to harbour, she saw another ship, of a fleet of seventeen French fishing vessels, going aground. The coxswain showed the skipper how to get clear and when the ship refloated, the life-boat signalled the fishing fleet how to reach Ramsgate harbour. She waited until they had gone in and then returned to her station, arriving at 6.27.—Rewards, £5 3s..