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Whitby, Yorkshire.—At 4.22 on the morning of the 23rd of June, 1951, during a thick fog, the coastguard telephoned that a vessel was sounding SOS signals on her siren opposite the coastguard station. At 4.37 the No. 1 life-boat Mary Ann Hepworth was launched. There was a swell, with a moderate northerly breeze blowing. She found the motor vessel Dagny, of Groningen, with seven people on board, aground five hundred yards south-east of Whitby East Pier. At the skipper's request his wife was transferred to the life-boat; a life-boat- man then boarded the Dagny to pilot her. The life-boat put a rope on board, towed her clear and beached her in Whitby harbour, reaching her station again at 6.29. — Property Salvage Case.