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An Ex-Airborne Life-Boat

Walton and Frinton, Essex.—About 6.0 in the evening, on the 22nd of July, 1951, the coxswain saw a small yacht making heavy weather on a northerly course and asked the Wal- ton-on-the-Naze coastguard to keep a watch on her. At 6.23 the coast- guard telephoned that the yacht had made a distress signal; and at 6.30 the life-boat E.M.E.D. was launched.

The sea was rough, with a strong north- easterly breeze blowing. She found an ex-airborne life-boat with four youths on board three-quarters of a mile south-east of the coastguard station, and rescued them, towing the boat to Walton Backwaters. She landed the youths at her station at 9.50 that night.—Rewards, £14 12*..