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S.S. British Dragoon

New Brighton, Cheshire.—At 7.18 on the night of the 1st of March, 1951, the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board tele- phoned that the S.S. British Dragoon, of London, a tanker of 9,909 tons, was ashore on Taylors Spit in the Queens Channel. At 7.37 the life-boat K.T.J.S.

on temporary duty at the station, left her moorings, in a moderate sea with a light west-north-west breeze blowing.

She found the tanker near the No. 16 channel buoy, listing. A pilot vessel had taken off forty members of her crew, leaving the master and four others on board. The life-boat trans- ferred thirty-eight people to a Docks Board salva/e vessel; then at the request of the Marine Surveyor in charge of salvage operations, she stood by until the tanker refloated at 3.10 next morning. She arrived back at her station at 4.25. The owners expressed their thanks. — Rewards, £22 18*..