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Mrs. Talbot-Cadow, of Carlisle

MRS. W. TALBOT-CADOW, of Carlisle, died on the llth of February. She had been an active and successful honorary worker for the Life-boat Service for twenty-eight years. It was in 1923 that she became president of the Car- lisle and district branch, which in the previous year had collected under £3.

In 1923 it collected £249. Five years after becoming president Mrs. Talbot- Cadow took over also the work of honorary secretary. For twenty-one years she continued the duties of both, resigning them in 1947 and becoming patron of the branch. In the twenty- eight years of her life-boat work, the branch raised over £10,000. In 1932 Mrs. Talbot-Cadow was awarded the gold badge, given only for distinguished honorary services, and in 1948 she was appointed an honorary life-governor, the highest award which the Institu- tion can give..