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Three Tugs Towing Hoppers

Teesmouth, Yorkshire.—At 2.0 in the afternoon, on the 3rd of December, 1950, the South Gare coastguard tele- phoned that three tugs towing hoppers were making heavy weather. One tug and hopper were close inshore. The life-boat crew assembled, and as the seas were very heavy at the mouth of the river they launched the life-boat John and Lucy Cordingley at 3.0. There was a gale blowing from the north-west.

She escorted the tugs and hoppers, which each carried a crew of two, to calm water, and then, because of the weather, made for Middlesbrough. She arrived at 6.0 that evening, stayed there for the night and was taken back to her station next afternoon. The owners of the hoppers thanked the life-boat- men.—Rewards, £24 5s..