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The S.S. Jetblack

Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk.

—At 4.20 on the morning of the 16thof February, 1951, the coastguard tele- phoned that the S.S. Jetblack, of Lon- don, anchored a quarter of a mile from harbour, had signalled. She had a man sick and asked for a doctor. At 5.5 the life-boat Louise Stephens was launched with a doctor, in a moderate sea with a fresh southerly breeze.

When she had put him, aboard, he decided to bring the patient (the second engineer) ashore, so the life-boat wire- lessed for an ambulance to meet her.

Then she landed the sick man and the master, who informed his owners what had happened. Afterwards, the life- boat took the master back to his vessel, and reached her station again at 7.0.

•—Rewards, £19 4s..