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Miss Alice Marshall, of Oxford

Miss ALICE SUSANNA MARSHALL died at Oxford on the 2nd of January, 1951, at over 90 years of age. She had been one of the most distinguished of the honor- ary secretaries of financial branches, and gave the Institution her enthusiastic and most successful help for sixteen years. A committee of the Life-boat Saturday Fund was formed in Oxford in 1900 and Miss Marshall was one of its honorary workers. When the Fund was taken over by the Institution in 1911, and an Oxford branch was formed, she became its honorary secretary. She held that post for sixteen years, retiring in 1927 on account of ill-health. She was to live another twenty-four years, and her interest in the Service remained as keen as ever. She was a member of the committee of the branch until her death. Her life-boat collecting-box was very prominent in the hall of her house. For many years she continued to attend the annual meetings in Lon- don, delighting to meet there her old life-boat friends, or to welcome them in her own house. She last attended the meeting in 1946. After that, al- though she still hoped each year to come again, she felt it beyond her strength.

In her will was a legacy to the Institu- tion.

In her sixteen years as honorary secretary, she collected over £13,500, and the annual meeting of the Oxford branch, at which many well-known people spoke, was among the principal life-boat events of each year, and she spoke herself at the annual meeting of the Institution in London in 1921, the first meeting at which the Prince of Wales (now Duke of Windsor) presided.

Miss Marshall received the highest honours which the Institution could give. She was awarded the gold badge, given only for long and distinguished honorary services, in 1914, and when in 1922, it was decided, as a still higher honour, to appoint honorary life- governors, and to present them with vellums, signed by the President, she was the first to be appointed. When she retired she was, as a final mark of gratitude, elected a vice-president of the Institution. She was then, and re- mained, the only woman vice-president..