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Ramsgate, Kent. — At 3.54 in the afternoon, on the 10th of December, 1950, the coastguard telephoned that North Foreland Radio reported the steamer Dynamo, of Hull, aground two miles south-south-west of Ramsgate. At 4.8 the life-boat Prudential left her moor- ings in a rough sea with a moderate gale blowing. She found the steamer, laden with cement, hard aground on the Brake Sands, and at the request of the master, stood by. The second cox- swain boarded the Dynamo. A kedge anchor was run out, but the wire was not secured and both were lost. The life-boat grappled for them unsuccess- fully; and then passed across a tow rope. On the flooding tide the Dynamo started to refloat and with the help of her engines and the life-boat she came off the sands. The master then asked the life-boat to escort her to Dover Harbour, which she did, arriving back at her station at 2.45 next morn- ing.—Property Salvage Case. Rewards, 175. 6d..