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An Appeal

THE following verses, an appeal to yachtsmen for the Life-boat Service, appeared in the Bulletin of the Cruis- ing Association for October of last year under the heading "Royal National Life-boat Institution." Beneath them was printed "Cheques should be made payable to the Royal National Life- boat Institution." The verses are by Mr. Edgar Newgass, himself a yachtsman and a writer on the sea, who has also for many years been honorary secretary of the Insti- tution's branch at Steyning, Sussex.

They are reproduced by his kind per- mission: The times may change, but still, come wind and storm, The life-boats range the angry seas, perform Their perilous tasks wherever men go down To the sea in ships and, wrecked, are like to drown.

As long as there are foolish souls who hold Comfort so cheap that danger, hard- ship, cold Can count for naught where there are lives to save So long will life-boats challenge wind and wave..