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A Tragic Drowning

MR. WILLIAM HENRY JONES, the former coxswain of the New Brighton life-boat, was drowned on April 25th last, while out fishing with his son Thomas. Their boat went aground on the way to Rock Channel, off New Brighton, and Cox- swain Jones was dragged overboard when throwing out an anchor. The tide carried him away almost at once.

He was 77.

Mr. Jones was a member of the New Brighton life-boat crew for many years, and became second coxswain in De- cember, 1920. He held this position until he was appointed coxswain in February, 1932. He retired in De- cember, 1938.

The month before he retired he had won the Institution's silver medal for gallantry for rescuing the crews of the fishing boat Progress and the schooner Lochranza Castle.

His other son, William Stephen, second coxswain of the life-boat, has twice won the bronze medal for gallantry when acting-coxswain..