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Two Small Yachts

Runswick, Yorkshire.—At 6.45 oil the evening of Sunday, the 24th of Sep- tember, 1950, one of two small yachts off Kettleness Point, was seen to be in difficulties. The other was standing by. During the next thirty minutes, however, the wind freshened to a strong south-westerly breeze, and then it was seen that both yachts were in trouble.

At half past seven the life-boat Robert Fatten — Th£ Always Ready, was launched, some of her crew leaving church to take their places in the boat.

The sea was moderate, and she escorted the yachts into Runswick Bay, arriving back at her station at 8.15. TheRunswick Bay Sailing Club expressed its thanks.—Rewards, £12 2s. 6d..