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Tradesman and Masterman

Penlee, Cornwall.—About one o'clock on the afternoon of the llth of Novem- ber, 1950, the coastguard reported an S.O.S. message from the tug Tradesman.

The tug Masterman, of Falmouth, at anchor in Mounts Bay with a crew of fourteen aboard, was slowly sinking after striking some rocks near Marazion.

The tugs were engaged with the wreck of H.M.S. Warspite, which went ashore in 1947. At 1.15 the life-boat M.O.Y.E., on temporary duty at the station, was launched in heavy seas with a fullsouth-westerly gale. She stood by the Masterman until the salvage ship Barnet arrived and took her in tow.

Then she accompanied both ships to Xewlyn Harbour, arriving at 6.30.— Rewards, £23 10s..