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The Gardens of Sheffield Park

IN 1950, for the second year, the famous gardens of Sheffield Park, Sussex, were opened to the public on behalf of the Life-boat Service, by the kindness of their owners, Captain and Mrs. A. Gran- ville Soames. They were open for seven afternoons in April, May and June, for the flowering shrubs, and for five afternoons in October, for the autumn colours. The members of the Eastbourne Ladies' Life-boat Guild were again in charge of the gates.

The twelve afternoons brought the Institution over £227.

The gardens are again to be open for the Life-boat Service in 1951, and the spring openings (from two in the after- noon until seven) will be on Whit- Monday (May 14th), May 23rd and 26th, a'nd June 2nd, 6th, 9th, 13th and 16th. The charge for admission is 2*., children, accompanied by adults, 6cL.