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Service By Clovelly

IN the autumn number of The Life-boat Clovelly appeared in the list of launches in July, 1950, in which no services were done.

There was, in fact, a service. At 9.15 on the night of the 8th, the Hart- land Point coastguard reported the motor vessel Drake Dean, of London, hove-to with her engines broken down ten miles north-west from Hartland Point, and asked for the life-boat to be launched to stand by until the pilot cutter Roger Beck arrived. The William Cantrell Ashley was launched at 9.38 in a moderate sea with a moder- ate south-westerly wind blowing. She found the Drake Dean at midnight in tow of the pilot cutter and stood by until they were clear of Lundy Island, arriving back at her station at four in the morning. — Rewards.

£24 3s. Od..