Penny Ann
Tynemouth, Northumberland.—At 3.45 on the afternoon of the 1st of October, 1950, the coastguard telephoned that a sailing dinghy seemed to be in diffi- culties about a mile off the Tyne entrance. The sea was rough and a • moderate westerly gale was carrying it out to sea. At 4.15 the life-boat Tynesidcr was launched with the hono- rary secretary, Mr. Selby Davidson, on board. She found the dinghy Penny Ann about four miles east of Tyne har- bour in tow of a hopper which had passed her a rope just before the life- boat arrived. This was transferred to the life-boat, together with the owner, who was alone on board. The life-boat then returned to her station, arriving at 5.47. The owner's wife expressed thanks and made a gift to the funds of the Institution.—Rewards, £10 6*..