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Naming Ceremonies In Scotland

Two life-boats were named in Scotland in July, 1950, at St. Abbs and Buckie.

They are both gifts from Glasgow.

St. Abbs The new St. Abbs boat has been built out of a legacy from the late Mr.

James Brown Couper, D.L., J.P., of Glasgow. She is a 35-feet 6-inches Liverpool life-boat, and is the third life-boat to go to St. Abbs, where the station was established in 1911. She succeeds a boat which was also a gift from Glasgow. The naming ceremony was held on the 19th of July. Lieut.- Colonel the Earl of Home, K.T., Lord- Lieutenant of the County of Berwick- shire, and a vice-president of the Institution, presided. Mr. W. F.

Turner, of Glasgow, on behalf of the trustees of the donor, presented the life-boat to the Institution and Captain the Hon. Sir Archibald Cochranc, G.C.M.G., D.S.O., R.N., a member of the Committee of Management of the Institulion, a vice-chairman of the Scottish Life-boat Council and chair- man of the executive committee of the Council, received her and handed her to St. Abbs, on whose behalf she was received by Mr. R. B. Bell, chairman of the St. Abbs branch. Lieut.-Com- mander S. C. Dickinson, R.N.V.R., northern district inspector of life-boats, described the boat, and Lord Home presented certificates of service awarded to retired members of the crew. Com- mander D. M. Marshall, R.N., a member of the committee of the branch, pro- posed a vote of thanks to Mrs. W. F.

Turner, of Glasgow, who was to name the boat, and Mr. R. B. Bell proposed a vote of thanks to the chairman and others taking part in the ceremony.

The Rev. David A. Hodges, B.D., of the Church of Scotland at Ayton, then dedicated the boat, and Mrs.

Turner named her J. B. Couper, of Glasgow. The life-boat was launched.

Buckie The new Buckie life-boat has been built out of a legacy from the late Mrs.

Lawrence Glen, of Glasgow. She is a 41-feet Watson cabin life-boat and is the sixth life-boat to go to Buckie, where the station was established in 1860. The naming ceremony was held on the 29th of July. Mr. William Smith, J.P., chairman of the branch, presided. Brigadier J. W. H. Gow,O.B.E., chairman of the Glasgow branch, handed the life-boat to the Institution on behalf of the donor, and Lord Saltoun, M.C., a member of the Committee of Management of the Institution, and a vice-president of the Scottish Life-boat Council, received her and handed her to Buckie, on whose behalf she was received by ex-Provost W. J. Merson, J.P., a Knight of the Order of St. Olaf of Norway, and a vice-president of the branch. After Lieut.-Commander S. C. Dickinson, R.N.V.R., northern district inspector of life-boats, had described the life- boat, the Rev. John Greenlaw, T.D., H.C.F. 2nd Class, of the North Church, Buckie, dedicated her. Colonel Sir George W. Abercromby, of Birkenbog and Forglen, Bt., D.S.O., Lord Lieuten- ant of Banffshire and convenor of the county, then invited Miss M. Glen Pettigrew to name the life-boat, and Miss Glen Pettigrew named her Glencoe, Glasgow. Mr. George Hendry, M.B., Ch.B., J.P., Provost of Buckie, pro- posed a vote of thanks to Miss Pettigrew, and Mr. James Falconer, Provost of Portnockie, and vice-convener of Banff- shire, proposed a vote of thanks to the chairman and others taking part in the ceremony. The singing was led by a fisherman's choir and accompanied by the Keith Silver Band..