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London Pride

Teesmouth, Yorkshire. — At 8.45, on the evening of the 25th of September, 1950, the lighthouse keeper reported a message that a member of the crew of the new tanker London Pride, which was carrying out trials, was in need of hospital treatment. At 9.25 the life- boat John and Lucy Cordingley was launched in a slight sea with a light north-easterly breeze, and soon came up with the tanker half a mile north of Fairway Buoy. The injured man had been badly burned about the face and hands and was suffering from shock, although conscious. He was lowered into the life-boat and attended by two ambulance men who had accompanied the crew. The life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 10.25, when a wait- ing ambulance took the man to hos- pital. The owners expressed their thanks and made a gift to the funds of the Institution.—Rewards, £9 3s..