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H.M.S. Musketeer and Saucy

Barrow, Lancashire.—At three o'clock in the morning, on the 26th of Septem- ber, 1950, a message was received from the Walney coastguard, that H.M.S.

Musketeer, which was being towed to Liverpool by the tug Saucy, for a re-fit, had broken adrift. At 3.50 the life-boat N.T. was launched. At 8.15 she came up with the tug twenty-six miles south-west of Morecambe Bay Light vessel. The Musketeer had just anchored, but a rough sea with a fresh northerly gale caused the master of the tug some concern in case the destroyer's anchor should drag or her cable part. At his request, then, the life-boat stood by> About 10.30 the weather moderated; and as the master was satisfied that the Musketeer was safely anchored, the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 4.45 in the afternoon.—Rewards, £23 11s..