Storm on the Waters
STORM ON THE WATERS The Story of the Life-boat Service in the War of 1939-1945 By CHARLES VINCE " Read it, and you will hear the gales roaring; no breeziness here, no mere soldier's wind, but a blow to match the courage of the only seafarers who launch their little boats when the seas are roughest."—Observer.
HODDER & STOUGHTON 6 - SECOND EDITION NOW REA~Y Copies can be ordered from ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION 42 Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.IRELIABLE RADIO COMMUNICATION WITH THE SHORE IS ESSENTIAL TO THE LIFEBOAT SERVICE Our Equipment now Standard FOR ALL BRITISH LIFEBOATS RADIO TELEPHONES LOUD MAILERS DIRECTION FINDERS for LIFEBOATS, FISHING VESSELS CARGO SHIPS and YACHTS COASTAL RADIO LTD, 'Grams: "Coastal Edinburgh" 'Phone: 26224/5 RADIO WORKS, HOPE CRESCENT, EDINBURGH, 7 Contractors to.— Admiralty, Royal National Lifeboat Institution, Trinity House, Northern Lighthouse Board, Foreign and Colonial Governments Only the best is good enough when life-boats are fitted out.
For this reason the R.N.L.I. always pro- tect their craft against fire with PYRENE Fire Appliances You cannot do better than follow their ex- ample when faced with vo.vr fire problems.
Remember—-there is a " PYRENE " Fire Ap- pliance for every fire risk.
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