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Spanish Awards: Presentations at Ilfracombe

AT the annual meeting, the Duke of San Lucar la Mayor, the Spanish Charge d'Affaires, announced the awards which the Spanish Life-boat Society had made for the rescue of 23 lives from the Spanish steamer Monte Gurugu in the Bristol Channel on the 13th of November, 1919.

Silver prize medals were awarded to Coxswain Cecil Irwin, of Ilfracombe, Coxswain Sydney Cann, of Appledore, and Coxswain George Lamey, of Clovelly, and diplomas of merit to the crews of the three life-boats. Medals, diplomas, and letters of thanks were also awarded to those who had helped to look after the rescued men.

On the 30th of June, Lieut.-Com- mander Ignacio Martcli the Spanish Naval Attache, presented the medals at Ilfracombe. The ceremony took place on the pier. Mr. A. Norman, chairman of the branch, presided, and the arrangements were made by Mr. F. G.

Reed, J.P., honorary secretary of the branch. Hundreds of visitors were present.

Commander Martel reminded the audience that it was not very far from the waters of the Bristol Channel that the Spanish fleet suffered the greatest defeat in its annals. In speaking of the rescue of the men of the Monte Gurugu he said, "All Spanish papers were unanimous in praising the bravery of the North Devon life-boat crews, and I feel confident that Ilfracombe will occupy a cherished place in Spanish maritime history." A vote of thanks to Commander Martel was proposed by Major Stewart Watson, R.M., deputy secretary of the Institution, and seconded by Rear- Admiral H. G. C. Franklin..