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Skimmer I

Newcastle, Co. Down.—About 6.20 in the evening, on the 29th of August, 1950, the Kilkeel coastguard tele- phoned that a motor launch had broken down and was anchored two miles south-east of Kilkeel. Her crew were waving a flag. She was in no immediate danger, but later on the weather got worse. The life-boat William and Laura was therefore launched at eight o'clock, with the honorary secretary, Mr. J. F. McCartan, on board. The sea was moderate with a swell, and the wind was blowing moderately from the south-south-east, when she came up with the local motor launch Skimmer I. The life-boat coxswain and four others were on board; these four the life-boat rescued. She then put a man on board to help the coxswain, took the launch in tow, and returned to her station, arriving at 11.50 that night. The owner made a gift to the funds of the Institution.-—Rewards, £16 6s..