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Sea Gipsy

Dover, Kent.— At 11.9 on the morn- ing of the 27th of August, 1950, the Sandgate coastguard said that a vessel at sea had informed him, through Niton Radio, that the motor launch Sea Gipsy, bound for Dover from Calais, was in difficulties nine miles south-east of Dover. At 11 .40 the life-boat Southern Africa was launched in a rough sea and a fresh west-south-westerly breeze.

She found the launch leaking, with a defective engine. There was a crew of three aboard. At the request of the owner the life-boat escorted the Sea Gipsy into Dover, and after seeing her safely moored in Wellington Dock returned to her station. She reached it at half past one. The owner made a gift to the life-boatmen.- — Rewards,.