R.F.A. Wave Baron
Peel, Isle of Man.—At 10.25 on the morning of the 16th of July, 1950, the coastguard reported a signal from the R.F.A. Wave Baron, an oil tanker of London. There had been an accident in the engine-room and a doctor and ambulance were needed. The ship was about three miles north-west of Stack Point. At eleven o'clock the life-boat Helen Sutton was launched in a south- erly bieeze. As the sea was rough, the doctor decided not to lower the injured second engineer into the life-boat but tow him ashore in the ship's boat.
This was done, and an ambulance was waiting at Peel Breakwater. The life- boat then towed the boat back to the Wave Ear on and returned to her station by 2.15 in the afternoon. The Com- manding Officer sent a letter expressing thanks.—Rewards, £18 8s..