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Poster Stamps of the Life-Boat Service

ON page 100 there is reproduced a set of nine poster stamps, which repre- sents in brief pictorial form the history Of the Life-boat Service of Great Britain. These stamps are not for use on letters through the post but as a Commemorative record of a great national and voluntary service.

Each stamp is printed in eight different colours —• red, green, blue, brown, grey, purple, magenta and leaf. Each costs threepence, with the exception of the Founder Stamp, which is sixpence; and a set may be had in all eight colours or in any one colour.

The descriptive matter beneath the stamps, with other information on the Life-boat Service, is printed in a small album (also costing 3d.) containing a separate space for each stamp. This album has a cover in life-boat blue, and is made of durable card.

The stamps may be bought singly, or in sets. A full set, with the album, is 3/- post free.

Poster stamps are a means of pre- serving an informative record of an important institution or topic, in an attractive and picturesque form. This set of Life-boat Poster stamps will, it is hoped, prove an effective method of making known the work of Great Britain's Life-boat Service, and at the same time an acceptable kind of present, as well as a valuable addition to the archives of collectors.

The poster stamps may be had from the Secretary, Royal National Life- boat Institution 42, Grosvenor Gar- dens, London, W.2., or through local branches of the Institution..