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Kilmore, Wexford.—At 12.30 on the afternoon of Monday the 17th of July, 1950, signal flares were observed on the Great Saltee Island. A bird watcher with his wife and two children aged eight and two were known to be on the island together with another man. They would have returned on the previous Saturday, but the weather had been too bad. At twenty past one the life-boat Ann Isabella Pyemont was launched in a moderate west-south- westerly gale with a rough sea. The honorary secretary, Mr. C. M. Clifford Gibbons, went with the crew, and a small boat was taken in tow. Reaching the island, the life-boat anchored.

Two of her crew rowed the small boat ashore, taking a line with them, so that they could be hauled back through the surf. They took the marooned people off safely and landed them. The life-boat reached her station at five past three. The party expressed their thanks, and made a gift.—Rewards, £14 3s. 6d..