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Lewes Castle

Clacton-on-Sea, Essex. — At 8.44 on the evening of the 24th of August, 1950, the coastguard reported a vessel firing distress signals in Spitway. The sea was rough and a moderate breeze was blowing from the south-south-west, when at 8.56 the life-boat Edward Z.

Dresden was launched. She found the motor barge Lewes Castle, of London, with her skipper and two crew aboardj anchored west of Swin Bell Buoy. The life-boat took off her crew, but the skipper had a broken arm; so arrange- ments were made by radio for an ambulance to meet the life-boat when she returned to shore. She got there at quarter past ten. Next morning, the weather was calmer, and at 6.32 the life-boat was launched again, at the request of the skipper, with one of his crew on board. She towed the barge to Brightlingsea, and returned to her station at 10.45.—Rewards, 1st service, £7 15*.; 2nd service, Property Salvage Case..