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The S.S. Elmfield

Cloughey, Co. Down.— About three o'clock in the morning of the 7th of March, 1950, information was received from the Tara coastguard and a farmer that a vessel was on the rocks near the South Rock Lightvessel. The life-boat Herbert John was then launched at 3.38 in a slight sea with a moderate south- erly breeze and fog. She found the S.S. Elmfield, of Liverpool, hard and fast inshore from the lightvessel. Her master asked the life-boat to go ashore and get into touch with the owners, which request she carried out. Then she stood by the steamer. Shortly before high water, she ran out a kedge anchor for the Elmfield, and when she refloated, piloted her clear of the rocks.

She returned to her station at 2.30 in the afternoon. The owners made a donation to the Institution and a gift to the crew.-—Rewards £42 Is. 6d..