The Sailing Boat Shira
Falmouth, Cornwall. — About 6.45 in the evening, on the 23rd of April, 1950, the police reported that a man had been found unconscious at St. Just. When he recovered he had told them a com- panion was adrift in the sailing boat Shira. At seven o'clock the life-boat Crawford and Constance Conybeare was launched, in a rough sea with a strong north-north-west breeze blowing. She found the Shira, with the other man, ashore at St. Just; and going close in, got a line aboard and towed her clear, when a life-boatman boarded her.
Picking up the first man, the life-boat then returned to her station with the Shira in tow, arriving at nine that night.—Rewards, £5 13s..