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The Motor Fishing Vessels Breadwinner, Orient and Dolly Graham (1)

Eyemouth, and St. Abbs, Berwickshire.— At 10.7 in the morning, on the 24th of April, 1950, the Eyemouth life-boat authorities received a message from a Burnmouth fisherman that the motor fishing vessel Breadwinner, of Burn- mouth, was in difficulties off Burn- mouth and that two other motor fishing vessels, the Orient and Dolly Graham, also of Burnmouth, were at sea in bad weather. At 10.20 the life- boat Frank and William Oates was launched, but a heavy sea hit her as she entered the water and she grounded.

Finding it impossible to get her away, the honorary secretary telephoned the Eyemouth coastguard; and he informed the St. Abbs life-boat station. Ten minutes later, the life-boat, J. B.

Couper, of Glasgow, was launched.

The sea was rough and there was a fresh north-north-east gale blowing.

Meanwhile, the Breadwinner had managed to reach Burnmouth harbour, and the life-boat saw the Dolly Graham running for it, too. She therefore made for the Orient, which was moving slowly, and escorted in both fishing vessels.

She then returned to her station, arriving at 1.5 in the afternoon. The Eyemouth life-boat was refloated at 5.15 that evening and was rehoused at 5.30.—Rewards: Eyemouth, £15 11s.;: St. Abbs, £8 16s. 6d..